Wheelers Maple Syrup

All Maple Syrup that carries the Wheelers logo is made onsite by the Wheeler Family led by Vernon and Judy Wheeler. Our maple syrup has the best premium flavour because of the care, attention to detail, health and location of the trees, gathering and boiling process, and most importantly love. All of our maple products are certified organic.

Maple Syrup Care Instructions:
- All grades of maple syrup are boiled to the same density and differ only in colour and flavour
- Maple syrup is a natural product with no preservatives so once it is opened it must be stored in the fridge or freezer
- Maple syrup maintains its freshness best when kept in the freezer
- Keep a bottle in the fridge for table use and fill as needed from a bottle of syrup in the freezer
- Let syrup from freezer reach room temperature, shake, fill bottle for table, and return to freezer
- You may pour the maple syrup from a large container into smaller glass jars (leaving ½” air space) to be stored in the freezer and taken out as needed
- Maple syrup can be left at room temperature for several months in an unopened container but freshness is better ensured if stored in the freezer
- Maple syrup should be removed from tin containers after opening to avoid taking on a tinny taste
- If crystals form, maple syrup is still good
- If mold forms on top of the maple syrup, the maple syrup should not be eaten
Health Benefits of Maple Syrup
Pure maple syrup is a unique and natural product. It is produced strictly by the concentration of sap from the maple tree and contains no additives or preservatives. Pure maple syrup contains a variety of minerals that promote good health, including calcium, magnesium and manganese as well as cancer fighting antioxidants. Maple syrup has been found to have anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, and anti-diabetic properties. To read some great articles please click here.
Certified Organic By EcoCert Canada
At Wheelers we have always striven to make the purest and best tasting maple syrup in a way that protects and preserves our maple forest for many generations to come. It is our privilege to be able to harvest the sweet maple sap from the sugar maple trees every spring and craft it into Canadas’ most iconic food. Our maple trees, some of which have been living for more than 300 years, are our livelihood. In recognition of our commitment to our product and our environment it seemed a natural step to obtain Organic Certification. 3rd party inspections are the strongest aspect of organic certification. Ecocert Canada carries out regular inspections of our forest and sugar camp to verify compliance with the Canada Organic Standard for Maple.
One would assume that maple syrup is a naturally organic product but production practices vary widely among producers. Organic Certification verifies that producers follow standards set out for their maple forest and production practices.
Organic Standards cover:
*Forest biodiversity, protection of habitat, and wetlands
*Appropriate tapping practices (diameter of trees, number of taps, depth of holes)
*Prohibition of pesticides, fertilizers, GMO’s, and irradiation
*Use of food grade plastic or stainless steel on all surfaces exposed to sap or syrup
*Guidelines for washing and rinsing evaporators, sap lines, and reverse osmosis machines
*Products allowed for cleaning and sanitization of equipment and sap lines
*Production and traceability records